Energy Savings Agreement (Precision Tune-up)
Making the decision to purchase a new HVAC system is a big investment that will keep you and your family cool and comfortable all summer long, and warm and cozy in the winter months. But like anything else, these systems need some care and attention to keep them running at their best. Our affordable and reliable Energy Savings Agreement will help you get the most out of your new or existing system.
In addition to the benefit of prolonging the life of your system, avoiding potential repairs, and improving overall system efficiency, as an ESA customer you can take advantage of a 20% discount on all repairs, priority customer status, and avoid all overtime charges should you need emergency service after hours or on holidays.
Dirty equipment - a condenser coil impacted with dirt or an evaporator coil impacted with dust - can cause the total HVAC system to work a lot harder than it needs to, which can strain various parts and cause premature failure. It takes more energy for a dirty system to do its job, resulting in an increased energy bill and an increase in the time it takes cool or heat your home.
Our Energy Savings Agreement features a regularly scheduled maintenance service visit every six months. We’ll proactively call you to schedule when it’s time for your visit, so you never have to worry about it! Each visit includes:
Clean and adjust the burner assembly for gas furnaces
Clean the ignition assembly for gas furnances
Clean the heat exchanger or elements for gas furnaces
Monitor your flue pipe to make sure it is drafting appropriately
Monitor refrigerant pressures
Test starting capabilities
Clean or replace air filters
Clean and adjust the blower assembly
Tighten electrical connections
Measure volts and amps
Lubricate all moving parts
Monitor thermostat calibration
Clean the evaporator coil in place (if accessible)
Clean the condenser coils
Clean the drains
Monitor the temperature split
If you’d like Foster’s to help protect your investment and keep your system cooling and heating its best, call our team today!