Tips for setting your thermostat in cold weather

Program Your Thermostat:
If you have a programmable thermostat, take advantage of its features. Set different temperature levels for various times of the day to match your routine. Lower the temperature when you’re away or asleep, and raise it when you’re home and awake. This approach can save you significant amount of energy and money.

Embrace Sweater Weather:
Instead of cranking up the heat to tropical levels, consider dressing warmly. Layering up with cozy sweaters, blankets, and warm socks can make you feel comfortable without relying solely on your heating system. Lowering the temperature by just a few degrees can make a noticeable difference in energy consumption.

Find Your Ideal Temperature:
Experiment with different temperature settings to discover what feels most comfortable for you. The ideal temperature for most people during the winter is around 68°F. Personal preferences may vary, so find a temperature that suits your comfort level without wasting excess energy.

Take Advantage of Natural Heat:
Open your curtains or blinds during the day to allow sunlight to naturally warm your home. Close them at night to prevent heat loss. Utilizing natural heat sources can help decrease your reliance on your heating system, reducing energy usage and costs.

Consider a Smart Thermostat:
Investing in a smart thermostat can provide even greater control and energy savings. These devices can learn your preferences, adjust settings automatically, and allow remote access through smartphone apps. Some models even provide energy consumption reports, helping you track and optimize your usage.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance:
Don't forget to schedule regular maintenance for your heating system. A well-maintained HVAC system operates more efficiently, saving you money in the long run. Call Foster’s today for a routine inspection, cleaning, or tune-ups to ensure your system is running optimally.